Chris Bell Chris Bell 'A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.'
- Henry Ford

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SNHU - IT-420 Advanced Information Systems Implementation
Written by: Chris Bell - August, 2014

Technology System Testing

Unit Testing

  1. Subset Test: A subset is a piece of a program that can be tested on its own. This test should be completed as soon as possible rather than waiting for the entire system to be built first. Once it passes through the testing phase the rest of the subset can be built into a program and the entire program will be tested as one.

  2. Unit Test: Multiple subsets come together as a unit or program and function together. For instance, the View Unresolved Requests function needs a home page, results page and a middle page that sends the triggers to and from the database. All of these subsets come together as a unit and function without the user seeing the background programming.

  3. Systems Test: There are many more units that need to be built and tested similar to the View Unresolved Requests unit. The user can also scroll through and see which of their clients have unresolved requests and click to view them. This is a separate unit that needs to be tested. Once all of the units function well together it can be tested in its entirety as well.

Program Testing

  1. Systems Acceptance Test: This is an overall system test conducted by users on a prototype. This lasts longer than a day so that users can penetrate the system and find out what goes wrong. Finding errors is the main goal of the acceptance test so that they can be corrected and the system can be implemented.

  2. Methods and Procedures Test: The methods and procedures of the company, or the company philosophy, will not change. The system needs to be tailored to fit exactly with the current procedures and users will be the perfect people to conduct that test. A new system should always make their jobs easier instead of more difficult.

  3. Audit Test: The audit test does a final check for errors after the users have completed their testing phase. Auditing isn't a requirement, but it is good practice to insure a quality product over a longer period of time. It forces the IT department to glance over the system each year, or more, to assure its functionality.

Analysts, owners, users and builders are involved in the system testing. Each have their own responsibilities to ensure the system has been tested and approved for implementation. Analysts test the errors and decide the best course of action to fix them. Owners and users test the system as if their using it in their day-to-day routine in order to spot errors and issues that they're having. They also express their likes and dislikes so that, not only problems are fixed, but complaints as well. Overall, the system is for the users and the owner to take the next step in their business venture, so keeping them satisfied is the first objective. Builders, of course, rebuild the programs that found errors and complaints which are the finishing touches of the system.


Whitten, Jeffrey L., & Bentley, Lonnie D. (2007). Systems analysis and design methods, 7th edition. Boston, Mass.: McGraw Hill.