Chris Bell Chris Bell 'There are tons of different factors that go into ranking well, but the biggest is high quality content.'
- David Sinick

First Website From Scratch | Chris Bell

I'm about 3 years into my web design degree. I just began learning how to build websites from scratch using HTML and CSS. I'm posting my progress here to see how I improve as I get closer to my bachelors degree.

www.tradestockcheap.comThe header shot of is to the left. I started by putting the basic HTML functions in place such as, head, body, header, section, article and footer. From there I moved over to the CSS page to start formatting the look of each section.

I had a lot of trouble with the NAV attribute so I used a basic Table attribute in its place. I have more experience using tables so I was able to make it work with a:hover and rounded corners. I know it's not ideal code work so I plan on studying NAV elements in the next couple of weeks.

I have to say, it feels great to be able to create an entire website from scratch without any template or software help. I used 2 Notepads on my desktop and got to work. I did, however, create the header image with a Paint program.

My overall cost was $10 for hosting which will be a yearly fee. I plan on building a few more websites before the end of my Web Design IT-270 course is complete.

Update: I have since finished my IT degree and I'm starting my Master's Degree in February 2015.

See more About Chris Bell

Written by: Chris Bell
Chris Bell Websites